Simplified, logical workflow with additional features
Cisco licences displayed
Licence versions revealed on your devices
User training videos
Two minutes each, learn about heat tiles, alerting, reporting and more
1. Service tile thresholds
Highlight’s new container feature now gives you a better, more flexible way to create service tiles. Using containers, you have much more control over tile behaviour. These tiles change from green to amber and red based on the number of watches that have issues – a threshold you control - rather than simply changing colour as soon as just one watch has an issue.
To set up a new container-generated service tile, you will need the Edit watches permission. Then there are two steps:
Gather watches into a container with name, optional description and logo
Enable the container as a tile with thresholds
Read more about containers. All changes to containers are recorded in the audit log.
If you'd like to convert an existing service tile into a container, contact us for assistance.
New style service tiles
New service tiles change colour based on the percentage of watches with issues. Admin users can customise the amber and red thresholds on each tile. The new tile shows how many issues have begun in the last two hours. On hover, additional information shows the number of issues for each metric of stability, load and health.
To help keep track of capabilities and software on your routers, or audit the licences on your router estate, Highlight now collects licence information from Cisco devices. You can show this for a single node or download a list of licences across an entire customer or folder.
Now available on the Technical inventory page and the Technical details dialog, see the licence versions available and enabled on each device.
We now have a series of concise training videos available. All eight videos will take 16 minutes in total to view. You can watch with or without sound as there are subtitles available. Here's an example:
These videos are ideal for those users who are new to Highlight and cover the following topics: