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Help & Support February 2025

Reporting Output

Report Output

Once run, further options are available using the buttons on the right of the title bar.

Watch the reporting video

Reporting Options

Download options are CSV , RTF and DOCX :

  1. CSV:

    This format will show ALL results even if only 500 are displayed on screen when the report is run. A CSV file can be pulled into other tools such as spreadsheets for further analysis. Graphics cannot be included in a CSV file.

  2. RTF:

    This format is ideal for including graphic content. Due to the layout restrictions of this file format, it may be necessary to reduce the overall number of columns using Show: (N)

  3. DOCX:

    This format allows graphics, column re-sizing and custom logos to be inserted in downloaded Highlight reports. Logos can be PNG, GIF or JPG format and 150 pixels wide by 40 - 60 pixels high. Please contact us for any assistance with your logo format and to get it installed on your system.

Below is a sample report output set to report on All Performance Tests, sort by Exceptions, and show only five fields. If you want to change the output to increase or decrease the number of fields shown, or change the sort order, make your changes and click again. Once satisfied with the report output, you can click Save Settings to save your custom report as a template. Refer to Create a Custom Template for full details.

Report Sample

Each row of the on-screen report is a clickable hyperlink which will open the relevant Details page for the selected item.