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Help & Support February 2025


Create/Edit controller: common settings

Only users with the Edit watches permission can save changes to controllers. Other admin users can see the edit panel but not change any details.

Use to create a new controller in the current folder

Applicable to all controller types: Main tab

Enabled or Disabled (red toggle), disabling a controller disables all associated devices and watches meaning Highlight stops collecting data.
Options available below this field change for each supported vendor. Note: Type is set on creation and cannot be changed later.
Cisco Meraki Logo
Cisco Thousand Eyes Logo
Cisco Catalyst Logo
Fortinet Logo
Extreme Networks Logo
This is required and can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
This is optional and can contain a maximum of 100 characters.
Do not alert if controller uncontactable
Unchecked by default, checking this option means when this controller is uncontactable no alerts are sent for associated uplinks, tunnels, performance tests, switches or wireless access points. Note: When this is checked, the watch status card and the heat tile also do not change colour to amber or red.
Watch creation
Setting Watch creation to Pending on the controller sets this option to Pending on all discovered devices. Selecting this means any uplinks, tunnels, tests and switches on a device will NOT be created and are instead visible only on the Controllers Admin page. These will not gather data so cannot change the colour of a heat tile nor send an alert.
This is the default option. Selecting this means any uplinks, tunnels, tests and switches on a device will be created as enabled and start gathering data. These may change the colour of a heat tile and send an alert if a measurement is below threshold.

Find out more about Controller watch pending.

Auto create
Checked by default and, on save, automatically creates Highlight locations in the current folder based on location information in the controller, assigns each location an autodiscovered name and places discovered devices and watches in the correct location.
If unchecked, then on save, all discovered devices and watches are placed in a single default location in the current folder. This location has the autodiscovered name Devices - Controller name.

See Controller locations section below for more details.

Applicable to all controller types on various tabs


Only available on edit, use to trigger a rediscovery of devices and features which may have changed on the external network. Rediscovery normally happens every 15 minutes.
The button is disabled if
  • the controller is disabled
  • any settings on the panel have changed
  • recently clicked
Save any changes made.
Only available on edit, use to remove the controller from Highlight along with any previously autodiscovered locations, devices, watches and subwatches.

Discovery of watches, devices and locations can take up to 30 minutes to appear in Highlight. Any changes on the external network, for example adding new locations/devices/watches, will also take up to 30 minutes to be synchronised to Highlight.

Changes made in controller dialogs are recorded in the Highlight Audit log.